on the origin of imagination

A piece for Light Grey Art Lab's Tobeyou, an exhibition about personal narrative, tales, storytelling and memory.

I grew up sleeping next to a window and I wonder if that’s where all my bad dreams escaped. Instead, bits of nature crept inside and into my head, enticing me to play in my backyard. I’d watch deer wander nearby and marvel at their ability hop fences. I’d pretend to be the cheetah I saw at the zoo once. Sometimes I’d pluck dandelions and bring them into the house, certain they were the most beautiful flower on earth. My brother and I would toss silver maple seeds high in the air and watch them twirl to the ground like helicopters. We were just in the suburbs of Cleveland, hardly exotic, but there was always plenty to explore.

Learn more about the exhibition at lightgreyartlab.com/tobeyou

Pen & Ink on Bristol, 2017